Dropped Kerbs Wilmslow

Dropped Kerb Wilmslow

Professional Dropped Kerb Installers in Wilmslow, Cheshire

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Local Kerb Dropping Contractors Across Wilmslow

Office - 01625 400 747 Direct - 07941639562

A Professional kerb dropping and surfacing Company in Wilmslow

Do you require a dropped kerb in Wilmslow in a quick succession? Here at Wilmslow Driveways we pride ourselves on our complete kerb dropping and re surfacing service.

Fast and effective we pride ourselves on our quick response from initiation to completing works, we also take pride in cost effectiveness by providing a wide range of affordable kerb dropping and surfacing solutions. The more affordable alternative to the Cheshire East Council.

All work carried out  by Wilmslow Driveways will be done by a fully trained, experienced and a close - knit gang of local paving and surfacing contractors in the Cheshire area.

Professional and family run you deal with the same team from surveying the work right up until installing the work, all checks will be carried out by our in house surveying contractor to ensure peace of mind on all works carried out by Wilmslow Driveways.

For all enquiries, contact our Wilmslow based head office on 01625400747

Kerb Dropping Wilmslow - Re surfacing Wilmslow - Pothole Repairs Wilmslow - Driveways - Paving - Patios - Excavations & Footings - Car Parks - Road Construction - Landscaping - Groundwork

dropped kerb Wilmslow

Dropped Kerb Contractors Cheshire & Cheshire East

Leading dropped kerb contractors in Wilmslow, Cheshire East Wilmslow Driveways can cater a dropped kerb service around your specific requirements, whether it be a single kerb or a long stretch of pavement we are the more affordable alternative solution to the Cheshire council dropped kerb service. Faster response time, much easy communication and much better value for money. All our team are experienced surfacing contractors.

For a free estimate contact us anytime to arrange a free site estimation.

Call 01625 400 747 or view our contact page.


Quick Response

Highly Trained

Friendly Service

Dropped Kerb Process

There are many factors when it comes to dropping a kerb and no 2 jobs are the same, if you require a drop kerb and the pavement is not privately owned to yourself then you will need an assessment of the Cheshire council and possibly planning permission. When it comes to planning permission there are a set of guidelines that must be met such as the following:

  1. Your front garden must be big enough for you to park your vehicle completely on your property.
  2. The kerb must be at least 4.8m from the front of your house; or 6m if the parking area is in front of a door or garage.
  3. The parking area must be at least 2.4m wide.
  4. The proposed access to your property must be more than 10m away from a road junction; 15m away from busy junctions or on major roads.
  5. It must be at least 1.5m away from street lamps and other street furniture.
  6. It must meet visibility guidelines; this depends on the type of road.
  7. Suitable drainage must be provided to take the excess surface water.
  8. The removal of tree roots must be avoided.
  9. The slope from your property to the road must not be too steep.
  10. Finally, you as the property owner must agree to the kerb being dropped; for example, a tenant cannot apply on their landlord’s behalf.

For any dropped kerb requirements or to discuss your options please feel free to contact us anytime 7 days a week.

Contact Wilmslow Driveways for all your dropped kerb requirements.

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